Monday, December 19, 2011

16 months

The months keep getting more fun with Sawyer as he learns new things.  His vocabulary is growing like crazy and his personality just shines!  He's perfected a "Bye... See ya" when he decides to leave the room or sees a passing car.  He will say "whoa!", "brrrr" if it's cold outside, and "haa" if something is hot.  He likes to draw his own version basketballs and airplanes on the magnadoodle.  We love him so much and still don't know how we got so lucky to have a boy like him!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

15 months

 This is our 15 month old.  He watches Sesame Street, Word World and Dora the Explorer, reads books (points out objects that he knows), dances, plays with cars and bouncy balls, looks for airplanes, birds, stars and the moon in the sky, loves to brush his teeth and hair, throws dirt and anything else he can find outside, and eats popsicles with Daddy.

 Looking at an airplane!  Oh how he loves airplanes!  He has a really good eye and points them out even when we can hardly see them so high up there!