Sawyer's 11 months old now! It's hard to believe that we've had him for almost a year! A couple of new things this month... clapping and standing himself up from the floor! The day he turned 11 months he decided that it was time to walk. He's not an official walker yet, but he does it more and more every day. It's weird for us to turn around and see him standing up or walking around without us having to get him started. Sawyer and I took our first trip to Utah along with Daddy and the rest of the Thackeray family this past month for Aunt Ashley's wedding. He did great and was excited to see new things, but we were happy to be home too!
You got a lot of cute ones from the wedding! Which is good because he was lookin like a stud! He is going to be walking within the next month, I can just see it! :)