Thursday, April 19, 2012

20 months

Our boy is 20 months old!  The past month has flown by... I feel terrible, but only captured a few pictures of him this month.  We have been so busy lately.  Sawyer had a great Easter!  He loved the Easter egg hunts and raked in a bunch of candy!  I forgot my camera both times, but if I'm able to snatch some pictures from grandparents, I'll post them!  We are enjoying our time with family before we move to Warrensburg next month for Slade's flight school.  We are so excited to start this new chapter. We were also excited to announce that we are expecting another baby boy in August!  Sawyer keeps us so busy that we hardly have time to think about plans for the new baby.  At least we won't be needing any clothes this time around!  We know Sawyer will be a great big brother :)
Sawyer's vocabulary continues to grow.  He is trying harder to learn new words as well as pronouncing entire words that he already knows.  Examples: traiN, dowN, roCK, soCK, and walK.


  1. WHAT A CUTIE! I love the new layout, super cute. You will get tons of pictures on the cruise so you can make up for this month ;). 17 DAYS!!! Sawyer is going to be a boss-awesome brother! Can't wait!!!

  2. Sawyer is the BEST! I cannot wait to sail, cruise style, with him!

  3. So cute! Thanks for posting these. Next time we are together you are going to have to show me how you stylize your pictures. Love it!
